What does Divine Timing mean for you?

Liz Roberta
3 min readMar 27, 2019

Time can be a tricky thing and sometimes the waiting game can play on for far longer than we’d like it to.

But if we’re feeling so desperate for something that we find ourselves hurrying it along, then we’re certainly NOT living in the embodiment of already having it. I realise that this is a lot easier said than done though because I’m always contending with my own neuroses when things aren’t finalised within 5 minutes. As you’ve chosen to read this too, I’ll assume that there’s an impatient part of you that resonates with this.

At the end of the day, the ultimate choice that we have to make is haste or having faith. Why? Because everything that we need and want — or something better — will always arrive in perfect divine timing…

⋆☽ What is Divine timing? ☾⋆

The timing that is out of our hands. The time that it takes for invisible Universal cogs to turn and manufacture necessary events and circumstances. Above all, it is our own acknowledgement that everything is always working in our favour.

⋆☽ Why do we need it? ☾⋆

We may all be creators, but if individual humans were to run the show entirely then there would be no cohesion between all of our different wants and needs, and plans, and timelines. Divine timing weaves all of these things into the grand tapestry of life for us so that we can all get what we want when we need it most.

⋆☽ How do I deal with wanting something but not having it? ☾⋆

Faith and patience seem to be two key themes that I always talk about on this blog, and it’s because they’re the most important ingredients for manifesting. When we lose faith, we give up on what we want and our energy drops. We are no longer a vibrational match for the thing we want to attract. When we lose patience, the same thing happens. We give up, or move on to something else that we believe we can have more quickly. But keeping faith that what we want is coming — or something better — and staying patient in the knowledge that everything always works in our highest good, is what will cultivate inner peace during the manifestation process.

We all experience things working out so much better than we could have ever hoped or planned them to, and when divine timing illuminates itself in these glorious moments, it’s hard to believe in coincidences.

AFFIRMATION: Everything is always perfect and working in my favour

I have faith in you, and all of your desires are valid! Whatever is best for you will always reveal itself, and you are divinely loved and guided at all times. Any events which you perceive as negative are always serving a purpose and one day the why will become clear. In the meantime, it’s our job to consider what the why may be and to be grateful for all of the learning opportunities which present themselves. By always being grateful, we will create even more abundance for ourselves and change our whole interpretation of the life that we travel through each day.

You and time are both divine. Life is a creation process, and you can never do it wrong because everything will always turn out for the best — when the moment is right.

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Liz Roberta

A Hay House author and Award Winning Spiritual Coach named the “Emerging Voice” of 2020 and one of the “5 Most Influential Female Coaches” of 2021