Keep Noticing Butterflies? Here’s What They Mean…
“We are all butterflies, Earth is our chrysalis…”
– LeeAnn Taylor
Butterflies are spiritual messengers, so they can bring your attention to things you need to be aware of.
A common idea which you may have heard is that butterflies symbolise the visitation of a loved one. In Japanese tradition, this is especially true for white butterflies, which are said to embody the soul of someone we’ve loved and lost.
When we experience the loss of something, it’s always entwined with a new beginning; and therefore, a new opportunity for change and renewal. Through death, we know what life is; and through loss, we know what it means to have something really special.
If you notice that a butterfly keeps visiting you (or landing on your windowsill, for example) then it could be a sign that a spirit is trying to get your attention and show that they’re still with you.
🦋 A Powerful Symbol of Change
Butterflies can also be seen as a powerful symbol of resurrection and immortality — reminding you that you can weather any dramatic change and come out the other side as a better version of yourself. What challenge are you facing that’s forcing you to rise up to a new level? What beliefs do you need to leave behind in order to embrace this new opportunity?
Due to the process of change that they endure, we’re reminded of our potential to transform into the most bold and colourful version of ourselves.
Resurrection, rebirth and new hope are all possible for you, if you keep noticing butterflies. If you make it through whatever’s troubling you at the moment, you’ll realise your potential to expand and turn your life around.
Butterflies remind you to weather all change with grace and lightheartedness, while demonstrating that it will always be in your best interest. It may not seem like it in the moment, but anything which contributes to our growth is a blessing in disguise. Know that you’re capable of withstanding any hand you’re dealt in life and that anything which makes you wiser is a gift. Sometimes it will just be wrapped in a way that makes it hard to receive at first.
🦋 In Your Dreams…
When we’re asleep, our subconscious mind is communicating with us using symbols. Butterflies in our dreams can have a different meaning depending on what stage of life we see the butterfly in — was it a caterpillar, cocoon or butterfly?
It could mean that you want to expand, be free and express yourself fully — or that you see yourself as (or long to be) a “social butterfly”. Knowing which aspects of the animal we might want to embody is key to understanding why we see certain animals in our dreams at night.
They may also be a visual manifestation of where you feel stuck in your life. If your soul is longing for transformation and change in your relationship — or career — then you may see butterflies in a related scene of your dream. Where do you want to feel lighter and more free? And where do you know that you’re not reaching your full potential?
Seeing a butterfly in your dreams could be a calling for you to find joy in life, find joy in change, and move forward into new challenges with the grace to know that you can always spread your wings and start again.
Live like a butterfly, and remember to enjoy the process of life’s continual unfolding…
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