How To Use A Pendulum For Accurate Fortune Telling

Liz Roberta


When we’re looking for guidance about something that’s bothering us, using a pendulum can be a cheap and easy way to gain insight.

A pendulum is a weight attached to a string — usually a crystal on a single length of chain, but you can also use a necklace that you already own. It just needs to achieve the swinging motion which will give you the answers you’re looking for.

People have different opinions on how a pendulum gets its answers, and they fall into these 3 theories:

⋆☽ Like muscle testing, our body itself is its own pendulum and will physically respond to truth or lies. Some people believe that the swinging of a pendulum comes from our body being its own truth-teller and making the pendulum swing a certain way with small muscle movements. As we already know — our beliefs create our reality — so if we believe something to be true then there’s a good chance of it manifesting in our lives in the future.

⋆☽ Some people also think that the pendulum swing is determined by our energy. As our life force, prana or qi flows through us, we can direct it towards our pendulum with our intention. By giving the pendulum our attention with a certain question in mind, our energy could be making the pendulum move as a result.

⋆☽ Pendulums are often used as a method of Divination, ie, to communicate with entities on the “other side” such as Angels, spirit guides, relatives in spirit, etc. This could also include getting answers from our higher self, and some people believe that these energies are communicating with us through the pendulum.

However you believe the pendulum gets its swing, many people rely on them as a way to accurately predict their future…

If you buy a pendulum that instantly caught your eye, you’re more likely to form a close connection with it and get reliable answers as a result. I searched for a pendulum for years, until I eventually stumbled across an Obsidian point unlike any I’d seen before while I was at a crystal workshop. After years without a pendulum, I knew it was finally time!

If you go to mediumship circles or psychic development classes, the phrase “receiving hand” will be thrown around a lot. It’s based on the belief that you’re more connected to spirit through one side of your body than the other. For me, it’s my left hand. If you’re unsure what your receiving hand is, go with whichever instinctively feels right and then try to keep using the same hand going forward.

For me, I know that clockwise means YES and anticlockwise means NO. To find out what your directions will be, start asking the pendulum questions that you know have a definite yes or no answer. For example, “I am female” or “the walls around me are white”. Some people will find that their pendulum swings back and forth or sideways instead of in a circular motion. Practice makes perfect, so make sure that you keep using your pendulum to allow it to become closely attuned with your energy. It will take some time to consistently provide accurate answers, so don’t be discouraged if it’s a bit haywire at first!

The questions you ask to your pendulum need to be closed yes/no questions instead of ambiguous and open-ended how/what/why/when/where questions. Your pendulum can only give you binary answers, so keep this at the front of your mind when you’re asking questions about your future. As an example — people use a pendulum to ask if a certain food is good for them by holding it over the item, and if it’s a healthy high vibration food then the pendulum will answer YES. To get more than a simple yes/no answer, see point no. 6!

It’s so important to get in the right headspace so that you’re not focusing on the answer that you’d like and subtly interfering with the pendulum’s direction. I like to rest my elbow on a solid surface to prevent this from happening as much as possible. I also like to close my eyes as I meditate and ask the pendulum a question, because that way I don’t know which answer it’s given until I open my eyes. Our pendulums are really sensitive to our energy — which is powered by our thoughts — so we need to be super careful not to interfere with their motion.

If you want more than a basic YES/NO answer, you can use a dowsing wheel. Just hold your pendulum above the centre-bottom of the wheel and then see which answer it directs you to. By using a letter dowsing wheel you can spell out the name of your spirit guide, and similarly, with a chakra dowsing wheel you can find out which of your chakras are imbalanced. I have created a number, letter and chakra dowsing wheel pack which you can download and use for free…

Get your number + letter + chakra pendulum wheels here!

As with the rest of your crystal collection, it’s so important to ensure that any energy they absorb doesn’t interfere with their power in the future. To maintain the accuracy of your pendulum, make sure that you’re cleansing it regularly with an effective energy clearing method.

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A pendulum is another great tool in our spiritual toolkit to provide guidance when we feel stuck or confused. Using the dowsing wheels provided above will enable you to get more than a simple yes/no answer and can unlock the door to deeper spiritual connection. Once you’ve found your perfect pendulum, remember to keep practising. Be curious about how your pendulum works for you, because when it does, it can help to guide you through the rest of this lifetime!

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