How To Develop Your Natural Psychic Ability
After last week’s blog, I got asked the question that a few of you were probably thinking…
“OK, I think I have some kind of psychic ability, but how can I develop it further?”
Until just last year, I would never have called myself psychic.
The word felt so daring, bold, and like I might betray people with the illusion that I was further along in my development than I actually was. I knew there was something there — the strange coincidences had become too much to ignore — but was I ready to wear the notorious “p” label which everyone viewed with so much expectation?
I couldn’t tell people their life story, when they were going to die, or how many kids they were going to have. “Isn’t this what psychics are meant to be able to do?“, I thought.
It was only after diving into these methods I’m about to share with you that I became comfortable with the fact that I did have some real ability. How you define yourself doesn’t really matter aside from how it makes you feel about yourself. It was easy to become comfortable when I realised it wasn’t such a big deal after all.
Once you can fully accept the fact that it’s normal to receive extrasensory information and trust your feelings — and that it’s usually a symptom of energy blockages when we can’t — you don’t feel like such a weirdo. Often it’s the fear of being strange that keeps us stuck when it comes to our psychic gifts because we don’t want to unlock them and lose our grip on reality as a result. Like with all change, it’s less scary for us to stay in the familiar rather than step out into the unknown.
If you want to tune in to your natural psychic ability and develop it further, these techniques will help you…
If I could only recommend one thing for aspiring psychics to do, it would be going along to psychic development groups.
Sometimes called ‘mediumship circles’ or ‘spiritual development classes’, these groups offer a safe and judgement-free zone for you to test your abilities on other people. It was at a one-day workshop with TV psychic Katie Helliwell in early-2019 that I got undeniable proof of my ability. I ended up at the workshop after a string of Divinely guided coincidences (which is a whole other story) and it was the day that set my life onto a whole new path.
Holding a photo of an old man that the woman sat opposite had handed to me, I closed my eyes, tuned in, and decided that if I had any psychic ability — now was the time to show it. I scribbled down anything and everything that popped into my head and read her the list of what I’d written. To my surprise and hers, I told her his name, the year he died, what he worked as, and what his dog was called! She started to cry and I almost did too, but for another reason; I knew in that moment that I definitely had some psychic ability and there was no chance I was just imagining it anymore.
When you start practising with other people, their delight and surprise acts as your proof. If you’ve only just met someone for the first time, you can’t explain away the fact that you can tell them personal information you’d have absolutely no way of knowing. Going along to weekly psychic development groups or one-day workshops is the best way to build your confidence and explore your abilities with strangers who are equally as curious as you are.
The per-class fee is usually very cheap, especially if you have a Spiritualist Church near you, and they’re also a great way to meet new friends with similar spiritual interests to you.
I’ve been using cards since I was a teenager, and even when I was depressed, distracted and detached from my intuition — they provided a gateway to something bigger.
For me, it was always Tarot cards as I got my first deck when I was 14, but after using Angel and Oracle cards for the past few years too, I’ve enjoyed how uplifting they are and that they come with positive advice as standard. It’s not the same story for Tarot cards, which have plenty of less-than-happy cards in the deck that run the risk of ruining your day at any moment if you pull one out.
I always recommend that people start with Oracle Cards first, and when you do, you’ll start to notice how accurately they can respond to what you’re thinking and feeling. As they’re the most literal way of receiving messages from the Universe (hello, it’s written there on the card), it’s super easy for anyone to connect with their psychic senses more by pairing the cards with their intuition.
You may or may not know that your psychic senses are ruled mostly by your third eye chakra. There are other chakras that are important too, like your crown chakra which rules your connection to the Divine, but it’s this deep purple energy centre between your eyes which determines your psychic insight.
So many of us will have issues with this energy centre — whether it’s closed, blocked, underactive or overactive. By balancing our third eye chakra and clearing away any blocked energy, we open up our channel for receiving accurate intuitive insights.
There are lots of reasons why we might have issues here, like past life trauma from being witch-hunted or picking up on society’s opinions from a young age that it’s a bad or evil thing to use psychic ability. Doing the energy healing work around this area and these layers of beliefs will make you far more intuitive, receptive and open to receiving information through your psychic senses.
Like anything else that you want in life, you have the ability to manifest more psychic powers! The most important things when trying to increase your psychic ability in this way are 1) setting the intention and 2) being truly ready.
When you’re truly ready for your psychic awareness to open up more, set a strong intention that you want to receive more information intuitively and declare to the Universe if there’s any specific psychic senses that you want to work on. Once you decide that this is going to happen, you might notice some fears or resistance rising up inside of you.
These are probably the feelings that have been blocking your psychic ability all along, as they’re a sign you’re not truly ready to use it. By accepting that your life and perception of reality will be different once your psychic gifts open up, you’ll come into closer energetic alignment with the future — more psychic — version of you.
Without trust, you will never be able to develop your psychic ability.
It’s impossible to build on what you know if you’re not even sure what that is — and it’s less likely that you’ll take any of the steps above if you don’t have faith in what you’ve already got to work with. By trusting that any psychic information you’re getting now is real, you’re ready for the next step in your development.
Trusting yourself is great for opening your energy, manifesting, building confidence, and becoming a better psychic. At every psychic development class you go to, this word will probably be the main topic of conversation. It’s the most essential tool in your toolkit if you want to develop your psychic ability, as intuitive wisdom can so easily be dismissed. It requires an enormous amount of trust in yourself to take what you’re receiving and turn it into advice for yourself or someone else.
You can start with the abilities that you have right now simply by knowing that any signs, guidance and messages you’re getting are valuable, correct, and coming to you for a reason.
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Developing your natural psychic ability isn’t a race and your Clair senses have developed as far as they have for a reason. I should also mention that not everyone is due to unlock their full psychic potential in this lifetime because it would distract them from the role they’re here to play in the world.
However, if you’re reading this because you have any interest at all in developing your psychic ability, you certainly don’t fall into that category — your curiosity is for a cause!
Respect your own journey as one that is completely sacred and perfectly timed.
Your natural psychic ability is a gift which is meant to be used.
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Originally published at on July 8, 2020.